For the Sculptor - BC Marble Symposium

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For the Sculptor


BC Marble International Sculpture Symposium 2018
August 11th to September 9th

A Call for International Sculptors to participate in the first annual BC Marble International Sculpture Symposium.

A Not- for- profit society, The BC Marble International Sculpture Association, is planning an international stone carving symposium
in the beautiful Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island.

The society’s mandate is to:
To promote the development and awareness amongst Cowichan Valley and resident artists of stone sculpture as an internationally recognized medium. The society will achieve its purpose by bringing together regional artists along with international artists in the stone sculpting discipline.

To this end, we are asking for Request for Credentials from sculptors around the world. A minimum of six sculptors will be chosen for the project. The material is a local high quality marble which is supplied for each sculptor. The maximum dimension is 6ft by 3ft by 3ft.
Airfare and accommodations are provided and a sculptors fee of 5,000.00 dollars Cdn is granted for the completed work.
Sculptures produced remain the property of the society and will be distributed to various communities in the Cowichan Valley.  
Sculptors will be expected to bring 2 or more small pieces for an exhibition and to give a talk on themselves and their approach to their work while participating.

For an application to attend and more information, please email here.
Required Credentials
·          10  to 15 jpegs documenting previous stone sculpture to be 300 dpi and jpeg format and include a number to match a separate annotation list.
Annotation list to reflect picture number, and include in this order: Jpeg number, your name, title, dimensions, location and date completed.
·         Up to date CV.
·         List of Symposiums attended with a contact name.
·         You will be required to provide proof of medical insurance for the duration.
·         A copy of your passport as a jpg.


The Organizers provide the following:

Economy return air travel expenses and internal transportation to and from worksite and cultural tours.
Accommodation and Food
The artist will cover all additional personal expenses.
The artist will be paid an honorarium of $5,000 CAN at the end of the Symposium (September 9th, 2018) upon completion of their sculpture.
The Symposium will arrange cultural visits during the period of the Symposium to the quarry and other local points of interest.

The Symposium will supply:

Lifting and moving machines available. A tent, compressed air, electricity and water (30 days).
An assistant/intern available
The medium for Symposia is BC Marble and Leo Dor marble supplied by BC Marble Products Ltd. and presented in rough boulders of up to 2 m3 each. The artist is kindly requested to order in advance the stone measurements (height*width*depth) There is potential to have marble pre-cut to profile in advance on the cnc wire saw.

The Artist will supply:

Symposium participants are expected to contribute positively and collaboratively to the Symposium experience.

The artist will provide their own tools including grinders. Note: Canadian electricity provided is 110v

The artist is expected to be available throughout the whole duration of the Symposium.

Artists will have the chance to show their works in an auditorium equipped with slide and video projectors.
You are encouraged to bring smaller sculpture to display, if possible.

All works executed at the Symposium are the property of the organizing organization.

The Symposium has the right to photograph, promote and exhibit the works as it sees fit.

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